Tuesday 13 September 2011

Scooter For Kids

When buying scooter for children, safety tips - Keeping kids of all ages safe Most parents and grandparents will end up purchasing at least one scooter while their children are young. The market for these toys is growing year by year and it is guaranteed that scooters will become staples of youth alongside the bicycle. The problem is many parents and grandparents purchase scooters without understanding basic scooter safety advice. You have to know these tips if you are to keep the little ones safe as they patrol the sidewalks on their scooters. 1. Make sure the size of the scooter purchased is appropriate to the size of the child. Not all scooter for kids are the same. There are different brands, different designs, different sizes, and a variety of colors. Some are designed to ride smooth and easy while others are constructed for turning tricks. You have to make sure you bear in mind the size of the scooter and the age of the child to ride the scooter. This way you be certain that the child can properly reach the handlebars and stay in control of the scooter. It also ensures that the child is only able to attempt tricks if they are old enough to do so. For example, you don't want to purchase a full sized scooter for a three-year-old child. That child would be much better suited to a scooter built for toddlers. 2. Never buy a scooter without a helmet. Consider the helmet and scooter a packaged deal. When you buy one, you have to buy the other. It doesn't matter if your child will be riding their scooter on private estate or up and down a public street. You never know when they may fall off, be knocked off, or hit by a passing vehicle. They have to be protected from brain damage and that protection only comes from the helmet. Just like the scooter, make sure you buy a helmet that will fit the child's head well. It shouldn't be so loose that it flops down over their eyes, as that will cause them to have an accident that wouldn't otherwise occur. It shouldn't be too small, or it won't provide adequate protection. 3. Allow the child to get used to the scooter before they go down hills or around steep corners. If your child has never used a scooter before, make sure their first experiences are in a safe, controlled environment. They should be away from hills and corners where they may lose control and away from obstacles that could cause a crash. Scooters are not difficult to ride and are very safe, but some children will need to get used to riding them before going down hills or other obstacles. Also consider a 3 wheel scooter for kids under the age 5-6 for extra stability. Buy scooter for kids from our great selection of models and designs for children of all different ages. Don't miss our great offers that we currently have on so come and have a look now.

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